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Give A Pocket Hug to Kids Going Off to School or Anyone Who Needs Some Love

Pocket Heart printables adhered to colored cardstock with a crystal heart adhered to the front.

It’s back to school season at my house and this year in addition to sending two kids back to college, we are sending one to college for the first time, and our 8-year-old is headed to an all-new school. It had me thinking back to when our children were much younger and how hard starting a new school was for one of them.

Our oldest child was out the door with little to no hesitation for kindergarten and couldn’t wait to be around new people. Our oldest daughter on the other hand wasn’t so sure about this school thing and came back after the first day having missed home and mom and little sister. She was so sad and hesitant to go back.

I thought and thought about how to help her feel more comfortable and was reminded of the children's book “The Kissing Hand” by Audrey Penn. The story is about a young raccoon going off the school for the first time and his mother reassuring him by placing a kiss in the center of his palm. He could press the "kissing hand" to his cheek anytime he needed a reminder of her love.

I loved that sentiment, but wanted a more physical, tangible reminder. I went to the store and bought a flat engravable piece of metal in the shape of a heart. I had it engraved with my daughter’s name and the words I love you and told her to put it in her pocket. Then if she was feeling sad or missing home she could reach in and hold it and remember that her mother loved her.

She used it for about four days before it got lost, but it got her through those scary first days and when I asked my now almost 21-year-old if she remembered the heart she said “I remember it making me feel so much better. I vividly remember a boy sat on my marker and I was so upset I was about to cry, and the little heart made me feel 100 times better. It’s one of my strongest memories from kindergarten.” I hadn't even sure she would have a memory about it at all and it made my mama heart so happy to hear that even today she remembers it being helpful.

A pink gemstone heart adhered to the front of a pocket heart card and colored cardstock.

I wanted to give something similar to my other two daughters to help with start-of-school fears and nerves but simplified. I now have a free printable to attach to a small heart. The hearts are available from Amazon and are small enough to fit in a pocket, a backpack, a purse or to just sit on a desk.

This is so easy to put together but can go a long way in telling someone how much you care and want to support them. And they could be used for any age group. While I am using them for the beginning of the school year, they would be just as wonderful to give to someone going through a hard time, a sickness, or for someone moving away. Anytime a hug is needed, a pocket hug can be there.

Let's get started!

You can watch a quick video tutorial here:


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Paper trimmer or scissors

Glue Dots 1/2-inch size


Colored cardstock to glue to the back


Let's Make a Pocket Hug

Hands using a Fiskars cutter to cut apart pocket heart printables.

All you need to do to get one of these ready is to print out the Pocket Heart printable, cut it out.

Hands adhering a pocket hug printable to a piece of pink cardstock.

If you want to add some color, use the Glue Dots to adhere the four corners of the card to a piece of colored cardstock and cut around the colored cardstock leaving a border of color.

Hands adhering a crystal heart to a pocket hug printable with a Glue Dot.

Next use a Glue Dot on the back of a crystal heart to stick it onto the center of the card.  You could add a personal message on the back or write to and from information if you like.

That’s it! It’s ready to gift. If you make a bunch all at once you can have some on hand to give out whenever you know someone needs a boost. Let me know down in the comments who you give a Pocket Hug to!

A pink gemstone heart attached to a Pocket Hug card and pink cardstock.

Happy crafting!


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